Understanding Plate Numbers in Stamp Collecting: A Brief Introduction

2023-04-08 12:36:52 By : Ms. Lin Li
- Wikipedia, Philatelists, Stamp Collectors, Printing Plates, American Plate Number Single Society, American Philatelic Society.

A plate number is an essential feature of postage stamps that makes them unique and collectible. It is the serial number of a printing plate that is used to print the stamps. This number is printed in the selvage or margin of a pane of postage stamps. Plate numbers are crucial for stamp collectors and philatelists, who analyze and collect stamps with different plate numbers.
Plate number - Wikipedia

Philatelists are people who collect and study stamps, usually for their historical or cultural significance. They often look for stamps with unique features, such as printing errors or unusual color variations. Plate numbers are one of these features that collectors seek out. By studying the different plate numbers on stamps, collectors can gain insights into the history and production of these miniature works of art.

Stamp collectors are also interested in the printing plates themselves. These plates are often engraved or etched with intricate designs and patterns. They are carefully crafted to produce high-quality stamps with crisp images and clear details. Plate numbers help collectors identify the specific plates used to produce their stamps. This information can be useful for determining the rarity and value of a stamp.

The American Plate Number Single Society (APNSS) is a specialized philatelic society that focuses on plate numbers. This organization is affiliated with the American Philatelic Society and has been active for over 60 years. Members of the APNSS are dedicated to collecting and studying stamps with plate numbers. They also work to promote the study and appreciation of plate numbers among other collectors and enthusiasts.

In conclusion, plate numbers are an important feature of postage stamps that make them unique and collectible. They provide insight into the production and design of stamps, and they are sought after by stamp collectors and philatelists. The American Plate Number Single Society is a leading organization for those interested in this aspect of stamp collecting. By studying and collecting stamps with plate numbers, enthusiasts can gain a deeper appreciation for the art and history of postage stamps.